Our Services
Learn to Shoot Firearms Safely and Accurately

Concealed Carry Training
Many concealed carry courses teach you the laws about concealed and use of deadly force, but they don't teach how to shoot, or prepare you for reality of using deadly force. That's why we teach our students how to quickly draw their guns safely and effectively in the time of danger. During the class, we'll also review other required information and spend time at the range, perfecting your shot. After taking our concealed carry course, you'll feel more comfortable with Florida gun laws, types of guns, gun safety, and shooting.

Pistol Education
In the event of a forcible felony, would you be able to protect yourself? Our pistol lessons are designed to help you do just that. We're committed to helping you react competently and shoot accurately to protect yourself and others during unforeseen events. This is the perfect service for those wanting more personalized attention after taking the concealed carry class.

Shotgun Education
Are you an aspiring hunter and want to improve your shooting skills for hunting? Do you have a desire to shoot clay targets in Trap, Skeet, or Sporting Clays? We've got you covered. We'll work with you to develop your accuracy, leading the target, stance, and trigger pull. You'll be well prepared to handle the shotgun's recoil and accurately shoot a moving target. After all, you can't afford to miss!

Rifle Education
Rifles are very versatile and can be a complicated firearm. They can be used for recreation, competition, hunting and home defense. Our rifle training equips you
with the knowledge and practice you need to enhance your proficiency for any situation. You'll learn all the rifle shooting fundamentals: aim, breathing, movement control, trigger control, and follow through to accurately hit your target from 25 yards to 500 yards.

Home Firearm Safety Course
Take charge of your family’s safety and get the basic knowledge and skills to safely handle or store firearms and ammunition in the home. Learn more about the NRA certified home firearm safety training course.

Personal Protection Courses (Inside and Outside the Home)
Learn how to protect yourself and your family both in and out of your home with concealed carry-focused training and personal protection training courses. Get more information about the curriculum and focus of each course below.

Defensive Pistol Course
Learn the techniques needed to develop a defensive mindset. The goal of the course will be to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly and with confidence.
You May Be Just One Class Away From Being A Better Shooter
We've trained countless numbers of people to shoot effectively and would love to have you with us too. Book your class online today to get started.

If you have no or limited training and experience with firearms, it's time to invest in courses with us. Learn the safe and effective way to shoot pistols, rifles, or shotguns. With Point of Impact Firearms Academy, you're in good hands.